Ride Saturday, September 30

Update: The rain that came overnight has moved on, so the ride will start at 8:00, as planned.

This Saturday, starting at 8:00, we’re going to ride south to Northfield in a counterclockwise direction. It will be warm for this time of year, with temps from 69 to 76 degrees, mostly sunny skies, and a south wind around 6 mph. Next weekend, it will be about 20 degrees colder, so let’s enjoy what may be our last ride of the year without arm and leg warmers.

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Ride Saturday, August 26

This week’s topical heat will give way to nice, cool weather Saturday morning. It will be 63 to 73 degrees, with partly cloudy skies, and a NNE wind at about 7 mph. If you’ve been over training, like many of us do, this is a good week to stay off the bike to rebuild mentally and physically.

Saturday’s ride will be from Rosemount to Grey Cloud Island counterclockwise, starting at 8:00. Our route crosses the Mississippi River twice, and each crossing is followed by about 350 feet of climbing. We’ll stop about 20 miles out, at the beach near Prescott, where you can get more water, and later in the ride if needed. Bring plenty of food, because our stops won’t offer anything for purchase.

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Ride Saturday, August 19

Saturday’s ride will leave Rosemount at 8:00 and follow our Northfield route counterclockwise. This route starts off by winding through Rosemount for 6 miles before heading south to Northfield, where we’ll stop at B.O.B. This 55-mile loop has less than 1000 feet of elevation and a lot fewer stop signs or traffic lights than most of our recent routes, so it will be a nice change of pace. Please note that our rides start at the advertised time, so don’t expect everyone else to wait for you if you show up late.

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