Ride Saturday, July 13

Saturday’s group ride will be from Starbucks in Rosemount, starting at 8:00, and heading to Northfield in a counterclockwise direction. The route starts out through the Cobblestone Lake area, and finding the bike path that goes under CR 46 can be a bit tricky, so look for Dutton Lane, which leads south to the trail. Follow the trail east of East Lake down to 170th Street, where you safely turn left onto Pilot Knob Road.

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Ride Saturday, June 8 Updated

This week’s ride will be from Rosemount to Edina via I-35W and I-494 clockwise, starting at 9:00. It’s supposed to rain through the 7:00 hour, so we are going to delay the start. We’ll stop at the Hyland Lake Park Reserve visitor center, which is 24 miles into the ride and has food and drinks. This 57-mile ride should take us about 3.5 hours. If you have a new Garmin device, you may use the group ride code F7XP5C.

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