Cold-Weather Riding

Going with more layers is always best because you can shed them as the ride progresses with the temperature and stuff it in your jersey pockets. Booties and long finger gloves are a must. Remember this simple tip: If you are a little chilly for the first 2-3 miles you should be good to go as your body temp slowly rises. Of course sunny days versus cloudy windy ones will also effect your clothing choice.

Staying Upright When You Touch Wheels

Wheel touches occur when your front wheel makes contact with the rear wheel of the rider in front of you which unfortunately happened to Tony Martin the Tour de France leader in yesterday's stage. I'm a little surprised that the commentary crew never mentioned what to do if this happens to you because it happens a lot in close contact racing. A wheel touch causes you to loose your balance.

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Mid-Season Maintenance

I have 24 places on my machine to check to make sure nothing is loose. You might be surprised at what has loosened up that can be a problem out on the road. Don't forget your cleat bolts on your shoes. Check the hub bearings on your wheels by spinning them between your thumb and forefinger. You shouldn't feel any resistance or roughness. Also there should be very little play in the bearings.

Staying Hydrated

With the heat and humidity brings proper preparation as far as fluid intake. If competing tomorrow your extra fluid intake should start now at least 24 hrs. before your event. During the race under these conditions means drinking every 10 minutes when racing. Another thing to consider, is to have a person set up in the "feed zone" usually at the top of a hill to hand you a water bottle.

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Navigating Roundabouts

Roundabouts are becoming more popular as you know. They can also mean a more dangerous situation for bike riders. I'm going to give the one on Hwy. 3 just a few miles south of Rosemount as an example. Since it's a single lane one you need to pay attention to vehicles behind you just before entering the circle. Look over your left shoulder and if there's a vehicle coming up on you you have 2 choices to make in a hurry. Either slow down and let them enter the circle 1st, or single with your hand that you are taking up the whole lane. The reason for this is to not get pinched between you and that car with no escape route. Remember that "two objects can't occupy the same space at the same time". The two lane roundabouts are much safer. Be careful out there.

Keep a Spare Bike

Here's a helpful tip that I have lately experienced. Always keep a spare bike in the stable just in case something happens to your regular machine. On Memorial Day my Ridley got sick on a Flanders ride at 19mph. 5 broken rear spokes, and my front derallieur some how being yanked off my seat tube with frame damage. Adrian who is the wrench at Flanders Cycle told me it will be at least a month before hearing about a possible new frame set. Now, I have discovered a new appreciation for my Serotta back up and life goes on with a smile!!

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