Ride Saturday, August 18
This week, let's ride to Cannon Falls. We'll follow the route counterclockwise, leaving Rosemount at 8:00, and stop at Hi-Quality Bakery.
Also, Fred Storti sent me this message about a SPBRC ride on Labor Day.
I hope you will be able to join us for the the Sept. 3, Labor Day Ride, starting at Marine On St. Croix. There will be two rides:
- The A ride will be about 61 miles departing “Marine” at 8:00am. This will be an 18+mph ride that is not supported, meaning you need to bring your own food and tools. We will regroup on hills, but the ride will roll at a 18+. Departs Marine, to Stillwater, across the new bridge, then north to Osceola for a quick stop before heading west to Olinda Trail to Marine.
- The B ride is yet to be determined, but will probably be about 40-50 miles at a 15-18mph pace. It will depart Marine about 8:20am.
Please join us afterwards at the Marine Gazebo for a box lunch, FREE to all SPBRC members and Summit Beer! Non-SPBRC members will be invited and will have an opportunity to purchase a PREORDERED box lunch for $10. More information will be forthcoming.