2020 Rider Satisfaction Survey Results
This year, 27 people completed our 2020 Rider Satisfaction Survey, which was open throughout September and October. (There are 42 paid members and 120 addresses on our mailing list.) We collected feedback via a short, nine-question survey. The survey, over the last three years, has been largely the same, with minor changes to questions 5 (ride speed), 6 (preferred routes) and 7 (cycling kit).
The first four questions were basic satisfaction inquiries. All participants reported that our group rides meet their needs, 96% of participants said they were satisfied or very satisfied with our club, and 96% said we have very-high-quality or high-quality rides. Safety of our rides was rated as above average or excellent by 92% of participants. None of these responses are surprising, because you’d probably riding elsewhere if we weren’t meeting these basic needs.
“I just starting riding with the group. I’ve ridden with groups for a really long time in multiple states. This is a great group. People have been welcoming, the rides are at a good pace, but not kill or be killed rides, and the sense of caring for each rider is strong. I really appreciate the dynamics I have observed so far.”
For question 5, the survey participants rated the speed of our rides, and most riders said the difficulty matched their performance. More thought the ride was too difficult than too easy, which is why I tried to reduce the pace a bit in the latter part of season. I will continue to be attentive to this issue and do what I can to ensure that we stay together for the first 90% of the ride.
The next question (6) asked about your preferred ride routes. This year, I allowed multiple responses. As expected, rural roads garnered the most support, followed by mixed roads, and a few giving some love to city roads. We’ll continue to use a variety of routes for variety. Wind direction and weather will continue to affect my route selections. Since our fist survey in 2018, I’ve reduced the number of rides on city routes.
A question about club kit was next (7), and I’ve changed this one a bit each year, as the items that we’ve recently offered has changed. I need to know what kit you would like to purchase, so we can offer items that have enough interest to exceed minimum order quantities. Every item I asked about had good interest and I will begin working the Garneau to offer these during the off season. This question let folks provide other suggestions and a couple of responses include kit we already have for sale. A couple of people asked for women’s specific kit, and we have offered that in the past. The challenge is that we don’t have enough women to buy 12 of each item, and the per-item cost of low quantities (6 to 11) is notably higher than quantities of 12 or more. I will ask if we can offer women’s kit and convert that to men’s kit, if we don’t get 12 or more orders.
Question 8 asked how long you’ve been riding with the club. Five of this year’s new riders were survey respondents, which is helpful and important. 67% of the participants have ridden with the group for one to ten years.
Comments and Concerns
Question 9 was an open-ended field for your comments, questions, or concerns. The responses had a few themes, which I’ll address below. Many of you used this field to put a personal touch on your survey responses. Various forms of “thank you” were frequent and appreciated.
A few folks want us to give safety instructions before the rides, so we will do that whenever we have new riders.
“My biggest concern with riding my bike in groups is absolute safety, I want to keep doing this for years.”
One response suggested that “if riders are dropped, it’s their own fault, not the club’s fault,” and that we should only do no-drop rides once a month. This is a change that I cannot endorse and it doesn’t appear to match the responses to question 5, which was about our ride speed. We will continue to be a no-drop ride until the last 10% of the route, when “anything goes.” No-drop rides help all but the fastest riders have fun, which is the point of our rides.
A few people asked for a mid-week ride. I would love help from other members, especially with leading the rides and writing content for our Cycling Tips blog.
You may view the 2020 Rider Satisfaction Survey results for yourself.